Malnutrition and smoking as predisposing factors for necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis: a case report


  • Janeth Liliam Flores Ramos
  • Gloria Patricia Sanz Valencia
  • Judith Rocío Mollo López
  • Layla Fayruz Salame Villafani
  • Luis Marcelo Maldonado Rivera
  • Alan Ricardo Rojas Retamozo
  • Sara Diandra Vidal Chavarría



Necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, Treatment, Desnutrition, Smoking


Necrotising ulcer gingivitis is an acute gingival infection in which infection and inflammation of the periodontal tissues occurs. lt is characterized by necrosis and ulceration of the gingival papilla, spontaneous pain and bleeding, unpleasant taste and halitosis, with bacterial invasion mainly of spirochetes and fusobacteria, as the necrotising ulcer gingivitis progresses, extensive bone loss occurs, so this is a serious and remarkable disease. In its etiology, factors dependent on the microbiota with invasion phenomenon and other factors related to the host are involved (capillary and immune alteration and malnutrition). A clinical case of necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis is presented in a male patient of 23 years who received the respective treatment with very satisfactory results. In addition, we discussed the importance of taking into account an effective support and maintenance program with periodic reviews to reduce the risk of recurrences.


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How to Cite

Flores Ramos , J. L., Sanz Valencia , G. P., Mollo López , J. R., Salame Villafani , L. F., Maldonado Rivera , L. M., Rojas Retamozo , A. R., & Vidal Chavarría , S. D. (2018). Malnutrition and smoking as predisposing factors for necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis: a case report. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 13(34), 42–49.



Case Report

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