Non-modifiable anatomical reference location based on the facial artery in odontogenic submandibular infections


  • Heber Gonzalo Quelca Choque Hospital del Niño Dr. Ovidio Aliaga Uría
  • Milton Portugal Alvestegui Universidad Mayor de San Andrés
  • Max Duncan Yujra Condori Universidad Mayor de San Andrés
  • Carla Chuquimia Condori



artery, infections, location


Objective: The objective of this study was to establish the anatomical situation of the facial artery in the mandibular basal to determine a permanent anatomical reference of clinical location of this blood vessel in submandibular odontogenic infections.Material and methods: Data collection was performed on Human Anatomy and Neuroanatomy students. The mandibular angle and facial artery pulsation were located bilaterally by digital palpation at the level of the mandibular basal border. Head position was determined with the Frankfurt plane. The location point of the vessel was projected vertically and cephalad on the skin covering the zygomatic arch and a new reference point was analyzed.Results: The facial artery at the basal border of the mandible is located 3.1 to 4 centimeters anterior to the angle of said bone and the vertical cephalic projection of the artery intersects with the middle third of the zygomatic arch, between 3.1 to 4 centimeters posterior. to the outer edge of the orbital rim.Discussion: The literature refers to the site of the drainage incision for odontogenic infections in the submandibular region, after locating the angle and basal border of the mandible; however, such pathology usually clinically erases these anatomical landmarks.Conclusion: Localization of the facial artery using this anatomical landmark, which is not easily modified by infectious pathologies, could provide an effective method for submandibular surgical approaches.


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Author Biographies

Heber Gonzalo Quelca Choque, Hospital del Niño Dr. Ovidio Aliaga Uría

Cirujano dentista, Magíster Scientiarum en Educación Superior, Especialista en Cirugía Bucomaxilofacial.

Milton Portugal Alvestegui, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés

Cirujano dentista, Docente titular de Anatomía Humana y Neuroanatomía de la Facultad de Odontología de la  Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Magíster Scientiarum en Educación Superior.

Max Duncan Yujra Condori, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés

Estudiante de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés.

Carla Chuquimia Condori

Cirujano dentista


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How to Cite

Quelca Choque, H. G., Portugal Alvestegui, M., Yujra Condori, M. D., & Chuquimia Condori, C. (2022). Non-modifiable anatomical reference location based on the facial artery in odontogenic submandibular infections. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 17(43), 20–26.



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