
  • Noel Taboada Lugo
  • Roberto Lardoeyt Ferrer



Human Genetics, Amerindian Population, Genetic drift, Founder Effect, Bottleneck, Population genetics


America was the last continent being populated by humans. These native populations suffered severe genetic bottlenecks in which the number of individuals decreased in a notorious way, possibly caused by the limited resources, diseases, and, in some cases, because of the effect of migrations to large distances. The result was the Iow genetic diversity in the Native American population and a great differentiation from the remaining native populations all over the world.

Other key period in the history of Native American populations was the Europeans arrival, which had a deep impact into the genetic pool of Americans to originate population's bottlenecks caused by: epidemics, slavery, wars and famines.

In the analysis of Y chromosome is very common to find the Q haplogroup with frequencies of 100% in Mesoamerica and South America; meanwhile around 97% of Native Americans have the distinct mitochondrial DNA haplogroups A, B, C or D, all of Asia origin. The main genetic characteristic which makes diferent the Native Americans from the rest of human groups all over the world is the predominance of O blood group.


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How to Cite

Taboada Lugo , N., & Lardoeyt Ferrer , R. (2015). GENETIC BOTTLENECKS EFFECT IN AMERICA INDIGENOUS POPULATIONS. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 10(25), 17–26.



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