Reducing the number of teeth, developmental trend of man Univall'es Dental Clinic La Paz 2013-2074


  • María Liliana Ríos Antezana
  • Jorge Luis Choque Laime
  • Sergio Jiménez Humeres
  • Christian Andrés Jimenez Viscarra
  • Nicolás Rodrigo Camacho Peres



Dental evolution, Dental agenesis, Dental system


Tooth agenesis is used to designate the congenital absence ofone or more dental pieces, due to a disturbance in the stages ofinitiation or early morphogenesis ofthe same. A research was carried out with the aim ofproposing the existence ofa type ofdental evolution that takes place day by day and that can be presented in our environment. This is a cross-sectional descriptive study taking into account as a universe of 1000 patients, presenting 76 patients with Agenesia that would be the study population, between 12-45 years of both sexes, Wilcoxon statistical treatment was performed as a test ofreliability ofthe 95% and with a significance value of 0.05 (P <0.05). The results found are: Tooth agenesis is greater in the female sex in 66% (50 patients), 58% (44 patients) of higher prevalence in the upper jaw, 61% (46 patients) more in the left hemiarch and the dental group with greater agenesis is that of the molars in 88% (67 patients). With the disadvantage that Other alterations (size, retention, shape) and the possibility of reducing the presence of some pathology (retention of teeth, cysts or tumors) may occur in the future. lt is concluded that there is a regression in the number ofdental pieces and that in the first instance the agenesis ofthe third molars Will be presented followed by the premolars; obtaining the following: I 1/2 C 1/1 P 1/2 M 2/2.


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How to Cite

Ríos Antezana, M. L., Choque Laime, J. L., Jiménez Humeres, S., Jimenez Viscarra, C. A., & Camacho Peres, N. R. (2017). Reducing the number of teeth, developmental trend of man Univall’es Dental Clinic La Paz 2013-2074. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 12(30), 12–18.



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