Ameloplasty like option of treatment for a Tooth de Turner: on purpose of a case


  • Janeth Liliam Flores Ramos
  • Jorge Luis Choque Laime
  • Gabriela del Rosario Oropeza Siñani
  • Katherine Danitza Parada Calle
  • Claudia Cecilia Balcazar Sturzl
  • Judith Rocío Mollo López
  • Omar Torres Cortez



Ameloplasty, Enamel hipoplasia, Turner's Tooth, Decay


The Tooth of Turner is defined as a located defect that it studies with hipoplasia y/o hipocalcificación of the surface of the enamel where the pieces deciduas with infection periapical or with some trauma they can interfere in the formation of the womb or calcification of the permanent tooth and to produce an alteration in the structure of the enamel. The hipoplasia of Turner affects exclusively to the permanent teeth.

A patient of masculine sex 16 years old is treated with characteristic of hipoplasia of enamel, which presented an unfavora ble aesthetics with sensibility dentinaria and bad occlusion with susceptibility to cavity. An option of treatment of this defect was to carry out a reconstructive ameloplasty with the purpose of conserving the vitality of the tooth, which gave us a satisfactory result recovering the aesthetics and functionality of the piece would jag.


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How to Cite

Flores Ramos , J. L., Choque Laime , J. L., Oropeza Siñani , G. del R., Parada Calle , K. D., Balcazar Sturzl , C. C., Mollo López , J. R., & Torres Cortez , O. (2018). Ameloplasty like option of treatment for a Tooth de Turner: on purpose of a case. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 13(33), 21–29.



Case Report

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