Building a scientific culture by popularizing Green Science: challenges and opportunities


  • Mary Luz Ojeda Solarte Unidad Central del Valle del Cauca
  • José Gabriel Pérez Canencio Unidad Central del Valle del Cauca image/svg+xml
  • Christian Andrés Cuero Gamboa Unidad Central del Valle del Cauca
  • Jorge Enrique Guevara Bejarano Unidad Central del Valle del Cauca
  • Miguel Angel Pérez Ojeda



educación ambiental


Tackling climate change represents an unprecedented environmental challenge, yet global climate policy offers significant opportunities. Many of the effects of climate change are already evident and that is why it is necessary to act immediately, but how to do it, how to create a culture of care for the planet and its biodiversity? Biodiversity is essential to the functioning of ecosystems and the benefits they provide to humanity. Their conservation is important for sustainability and has become a priority to ensure a balanced future.


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How to Cite

Ojeda Solarte, M. L., Pérez Canencio, J. G., Cuero Gamboa, C. A., Guevara Bejarano, J. E., & Pérez Ojeda, M. A. (2024). Building a scientific culture by popularizing Green Science: challenges and opportunities. Journal of Latin American Sciences and Culture, 6(9), 22–32.

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