Moral Development Measurement in students of first, fifth and seventh semester at Univalle, La Paz – Bolivia seat, during 2019 first half: an application of the Defining Issues Test (DIT), Kolhberg test and Assessment Reaction test


  • Nelson Luis Rodrigo Mendizabal Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Mirea Amparo Cordero Altamirano Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Carlos Augusto Fernández Reyez Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Magda Marcela Antezana Cavero Universidad Privada del Valle
  • José Cristian Pérez Arce Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Virginia Hidalgo Maynaza Universidad Privada del Valle



Defining Issues Test (DIT). Evaluative Reaction Test. Kolhberg Test. University training. Values.


This research measured, compared, and analyzed the morality development degree and the main values that students in the first, fifth and seventh semesters of the Business Management (LAE); Public Accounting (LCN); Law and Legal Sciences (LDE); Psychology (LPS) and Communication and Digital Media (LCMD) Departments, in the first half of 2019 from Univalle University, La Paz-Bolivia, in order to know what their level of moral development was, so that improvements in it are proposed. To do this, DIT test by James Rest (1979), parametric test and the Appreciative Reaction Test by Professor García Hoz (1976) were applied. A high percentage of conventional level (47%) was found in the student population, followed by 38% of preconventional level and, finally, 15% of post-conventional level. On the other hand, the most important values for the students were moral, ecological, and individual values.

This research was carried out because, structurally measure talking, it should be thought improving the training of human resources with a greater impact on their moral training, to ensure not only an integration into the labor market, but also, upright professionals with a high moral degree that has been reinforced in university training.


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How to Cite

Rodrigo Mendizabal, N. L., Cordero Altamirano, M. A., Fernández Reyez, C. A., Antezana Cavero, M. M., Pérez Arce, J. C., & Hidalgo Maynaza, V. (2021). Moral Development Measurement in students of first, fifth and seventh semester at Univalle, La Paz – Bolivia seat, during 2019 first half: an application of the Defining Issues Test (DIT), Kolhberg test and Assessment Reaction test. Revista Compás Empresarial, 12(32), 120–142.



Scientific Paper