
  • Lourdes Feregrino Vejar
  • Ingrid Castillo-Carmona
  • Jaime Fabián Gutiérrez-Rojo
  • David Martín Robles Romero



Tooth agenesis, Dental anomalies, Hypodontia


The dental agenesis is the radiographically or clinic absence of a tooth, which can occur in the oral cavity. This abnormality is commonly observed in patients undergoing to orthodontics.

Because of this situation, a descriptive and transversal study was conducted in order to determine the frequency of agenesis in permanent dentition in patients treated in the Specialty of Orthodontics at the Autonomous University of Nayarit. The study group consisted of 865 panoramic radiographs from files of the institution, which were pretreatment orthodontic radiographs; the sample consisted of 309 panoramic radiographs that met the inclusion criteria.

The results were as follows: 15,3% of the study population presented agenesis of one or more teeth; of which 41 ,6% of patients showed the absence of a single tooth; 22,91% 2 teeth; 8,35% of 3 and finally 27; 1% 4 tooth. Women had a higher number of agenesis of 3 or 4 cloves compared to men. lt was concluded that the frequency of agenesis was 15%, where agenesis of 1 part per patient is the most common, followed by 4 teeth and the least frequent was 3 pieces teeth per patient.


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How to Cite

Feregrino Vejar , L., Castillo-Carmona , I., Gutiérrez-Rojo , J. F., & Robles Romero , D. M. (2016). TOOTH AGENESIS FREQUENCY IN PERMANENT DENTITION PATIENTS AT AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF NAYARIT ORTHODONTICS CLINIC MEXICO. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 11(27), 28–34.



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