Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Health Personnel on Sexuality, HIV and AIDS in Cochabamba, a 20-Year Comparative Study.


  • Edgar Valdez Carrizo
  • Joaquín Salcedo Cuellar
  • Lucia Elena Alvarado Arnez
  • Iván Rivera Carrasco
  • Nayra Rojas Escalie



AIDS, Antiretrovirals, Health personnel, HIV, PrEP, TaSP


35 years passed since the first AIDS case was diagnosed in Cochabamba, during this time there was a continuous increase in people infected with HIV and stigmatization reactions by Cochabamba health personnel towards this population. The study on knowledge, attitudes and practices aims to compare the results of three surveys carried out in 1997, 2008 and 2018. It is a descriptive cross-sectional study, carried out on health personnel in public and private health services in Cochabamba. The first survey was applied to 303 people, the second to 305 people; and the third to 308 people. Likewise, in the present work, a  ecrease in the perception of the severity of HIV and AIDS as a public health problem was observed, as well as the perception
of the population at risk in recipients of blood transfusions. Although discrimination, rejection, and fear of people with HIV has decreased, there is a slight increase in the percentage of staff who cared for people with HIV, as health personnel feel less able to care for these patients.

The results reflect the poor knowledge of health personnel related to sexuality, HIV and AIDS, due to the lack of continuous training policies, that is, workshops and updates in health services, and even lack of motivation to a self-learning.

At the level of attitudes and practices, the inadequate infrastructure of health services and the lack of biosafety inputs generate concern and fear of transmitting HIV to health personnel, therefore, stigmatization of these patients persists.


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How to Cite

Valdez Carrizo, E. ., Salcedo Cuellar, J. ., Alvarado Arnez, L. E. ., Rivera Carrasco, I. ., & Rojas Escalie, N. . (2020). Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Health Personnel on Sexuality, HIV and AIDS in Cochabamba, a 20-Year Comparative Study. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 14(38), 5–19.



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