Neuropsychology Contributions to Understand Selective Mutism


  • Edson Elías Alaka Robles



Selective Mustism, Neuropsychology, Affective Neurosciences, Anxiety in Childhood


In the earlier stages of childhood, Selective Mutism appears to be a symptom far social anxiety. One of the most notable symptoms is the inhibition of articulating language on children exposed to social circumstances perceived like threatening, that it not being treated, compromises verbal, educational and social development in those who bares with this condition. This paper makes a non­exhaustive review of literature available in this tapie, in a neuropsychological optic, relieving the influences of cortical and subcortical connections to the early stages of anxiety caused by Selective Mutism, highlighting the cognitive functions compromised by Selective Mutism. lt is required that the need far further studies in the understandings of etiology and comorbidity of this disorder become more profaund. 


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How to Cite

Alaka Robles, E. E. (2016). Neuropsychology Contributions to Understand Selective Mutism. Revista Compás Empresarial, 7(19), 27–31.


