The montage asan emotional element in Jean-Luc Godard's youth cinema


  • Héctor Acebo Bello



ean-Luc Godard, Nouvelle Vague, Film, Audiovisual ensamble and editing, Film theory


Jean-Luc Godard (Paris, 1930) is one of the Nouvelle Vague main filmmakers, an experimental film current that emerged in France during the 60s (where Godard's youthful work is framed) and whose main objective was to print spontaneity to the movies, freeing it from too much rhetorical corsets inherited from the theatre. Hence those directors opted, for example, to shoot in real interiors and provide great importance to editing. This technique (selecting, adjusting and joining the different parts of a film to make the final version) was used by young Godard for expressive and passionate purposes; not in vain, it allowed him to suspend the narration momentarily - very poetic aspiration -forthe benefit of certain intense emotions that arise between the characters. The present research is qualitative and the observation method has been followed to study sorne of the most representative sequences of Godard's work.


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How to Cite

Acebo Bello, H. (2018). The montage asan emotional element in Jean-Luc Godard’s youth cinema. Revista Compás Empresarial, 9(24), 47–58.



Scientific Paper