Lipid-lowering effect of dehydrated Cyclanthera pedata (stuffing cucumber) with patient follow up through mobile apps. Experimental Center of Phytopharmaceuticals of the Universidad Privada del Valle 2016


  • Rosario Hidalgo Filipovich
  • Alejandra Coloccini
  • Willma León Maldonado
  • Magaly Gómez Ugarte
  • David Ángel Escalera Cruz
  • Mónica Uriona
  • Ximena Uriona



Cyclanthera pedata (stuffing cucumber), Atherosclerosis, Dyslipidemia, Aortic aortomas


The stuffing cucumber is a fruit consumed in Bolivia, Peru and Ecuador for its nutritional value and its action on the metabolism of fats, reason it is part of the traditional medicine of these countries. Due to its common use in the gastronomic area, its pharmacological properties are not used in our country.

The present investigation raises the daily use of stuffing cucumber "Cyclanthera pedato" dehydrated to regulate the plasma levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglycerides, for this the experimental and propositional method was applied through a controlled clinical study with parallel groups complying with the Standard for Clinical Studies of the Ministry of Health and Sports of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Drug Law No. 1737 and the Decree Supreme Regulatory N O 25235, in function of the degree of masking of Simple blind, administering capsules of 500 mg dry extract of stuffing cucumber, from 220 grams of fresh stuffing cucumber, during the period of three months (during the monts of november 2012 to february 2013) to 42 patients of both sexes with cardiac high, moderate and low risks. They were organized into four groups according to the classification of the cardiac risk and the serum levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and monthly triglycerides were controlled.

In relation to the basal value cholesterol was significantly reduced by 50 % and triglycerides 19 0/0. Regarding the baseline values of LDL cholesterol were 45,2 % low risk, 42,9 % moderate risk and 11,9 % high risk, at the end of the study (after 90 days) it was 76,2 % low risk, 23,8 % moderate risk and 0,0 % high risk. A 50 % elevation of HDL cholesterol was observed at the end of the study.

In the placebos group there was no change in the values of Cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, or triglycerides.


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How to Cite

Hidalgo Filipovich , R., Coloccini , A., León Maldonado , W., Gómez Ugarte , M., Escalera Cruz , D. Ángel, Uriona , M., & Uriona , X. (2018). Lipid-lowering effect of dehydrated Cyclanthera pedata (stuffing cucumber) with patient follow up through mobile apps. Experimental Center of Phytopharmaceuticals of the Universidad Privada del Valle 2016. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 13(32), 5–16.



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