Synodontics Vs skizodontics, a diagnostic challenge for the dentistry




Esquizodoncia, Sinodoncia, Germinación


Synodontism arises through the union of two normally separated dental germs. Depending on the time of embryological dental union, the fusion will be complete or incomplete; It has been considered that some physical force or pressure produces the contact of the developing teeth and their subsequent union. If calcification occurs before calcification begins, the teeth can join together to form a single larger tooth; If it manifests itself later, it will be only a root junction. However, in cases of true fusion the union is by means of dentinal surface presenting with separate or fused root canals; so this anomaly is more frequent in deciduous dentition.

It is very complex to make the differential diagnosis between synodontia and schizodontics, so there are complementary methods and tests, the correct ones must be performed in order to reach a diagnosis and plan the appropriate treatment, preventive, aesthetic or surgical.


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Author Biographies

María Liliana Rios Antezana, Universidad Privada del Valle

Cirujano dentista. Posgrado en Patología y Medicina bucal. Maestría en Educación Superior. Docente de Semiología General y Estomatológica. Universidad Privada del Valle. La Paz

Carmen Adriana Blanco Lafuente, Universidad Privada del Valle

Estudiante de odontología. Universidad Privada del Valle. La Paz


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How to Cite

Rios Antezana, M. L., & Blanco Lafuente, C. A. (2023). Synodontics Vs skizodontics, a diagnostic challenge for the dentistry. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 18(44), 44–50.



Case Report