
  • Judith Rocio Mollo López
  • Janeth Liliam Flores Ramos
  • Manfred Strauss Ouintela
  • Jimena Guzmán Pinell
  • Hernán Guibarra Averanga
  • Juan Diego Sanjinés Austen



Compound odontoma, Tumor, Retained Canino


Odontomas are a common type of odontogenic tumor, usually are asymptomatic and mostly detected in radiographic routine examinations. Affecting mostly in the second decade of life, they are more frequent in the maxilla and in the anterior region.

According to the World Health Organization, two different types of odontoma are recognized: complex and compound. In the complex odontoma, all dental tissues are formed in a disorganized manner; while in the compounds odontoma, all dental tissues are arranged in numerous structures shaped teeth known as denticles. Compound Odontomas are often associated with retained adjacent permanent teeth and surgical removal is the best treatment option.

A case of a female patient who presented a compound odontoma was associated with canine and Iower lateral incisor exposed, retained. Minimally invasive surgical technique was adopted to eliminate the injury.


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How to Cite

Mollo López , J. R., Flores Ramos , J. L., Strauss Ouintela , M., Guzmán Pinell, J., Guibarra Averanga , H., & Sanjinés Austen , J. D. (2016). COMPOUND ODONTOMA A CLINICAL, IMAGING AND THERAPY ANALYSIS: CASE REPORT. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 11(28), 23–29.



Case Report

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