
  • Rosario Hidalgo Filipovich
  • Magaly Gómez Ugarte
  • David Ángel Escalera Cruz
  • Stefany Quisbert Díaz



Active ingredient, Guava (Psldivm-guajava L)., Medicinal properties, Nutritional properties


Fruits like food are a potential source of antioxidants and provide nutrients such as water, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins needed in the diet.

This article aims to describe the medicinal and nutritional properties of guava (Psidium-guajava O, also known as perulera, guava and jalocote, among others.

Guava is a tropical fruit that contains lots of antioxidants. lt is recommended to include in the diet for nutrients and natural substances containing such as: high in vitamin C (strengthens the immune system and stimulates the production of white blood cells); Iow amount of calories and carbohydrates (ideal to lose weight and protect the cardiovascular system); diuretic properties because they are high in potassium; pectin fiber type facilitating the digestion of food; large amount of anthocyanins that help care for the skin; regulates blood pressure; lt improves circulation and combat diabetes and controlling glucose levels in blood.


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How to Cite

Hidalgo Filipovich , R., Gómez Ugarte , M., Escalera Cruz , D. Ángel, & Quisbert Díaz , S. (2015). GUAVA HEALTH BENEFITS. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 10(25), 27–32.



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