Evaluation and classification system based on the affection of the physiological spheres of the elderly


  • Enrique Gary Jiménez Vignola
  • Fernando Vargas Caballero
  • Natalia del Carmen Tagle López
  • Mariel Lucero Aliaga Ramírez
  • Gabriel Morales Robles




Functionality, Elderly, Care models, Geriatric patient, Motor condition


In geriatric care, the obstacle that arises when evaluating, detecting and treating older adults focuses on producing a series of adverse actions by not having an early diagnosis of alterations and conditions in the physics sphere (where the changes associated with the disease and its clinical manifestations are ta ken into account), functional (in which the changes in the execution of activities ofthe daily life), cognitive (associated to the conservation of the intelligence) and the social (that takes into account relations with the external environment). Through this system of evaluation and classification, we managed to identify that the group of healthy older adults belong 2 %, 16 % belong to the group of elderly sick adults, then we find 28 % that belong to the group of the older adults fragile and finally a 54 % belonging to the geriatric patient group.

The classification achieved helps prevent injuries and improve evaluation, treatment, recreational activities, hygiene, and food, in the same way to decrease the socio-cultural limitations that are a constraint. Thanks to the descriptive, analytical, and transversal study of a specific group of older adults, the purpose of describing, characterizing, interpreting, and analyzing the data in quantitative form is fulfilled where they are based on the classification aspects of 50 older adults. A range of tests, indices, tests, questionnaires were used to provide data on the clinical, cognitive, and social functional characteristics of the elderly.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Vignola , E. G., Vargas Caballero , F., Tagle López, N. del C., Aliaga Ramírez , M. L., & Morales Robles , G. (2018). Evaluation and classification system based on the affection of the physiological spheres of the elderly. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 13(33), 44–49. https://doi.org/10.52428/20756208.v13i33.499



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