Lifestyles in patients with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 at the Piedra Liza Health Center, 2018


  • Emilio Vega Gonzales
  • Fiorella Cubas Romero
  • Lizeth Araujo Palacios
  • Lizeth Trujillo Cerna



Lifestyles. Diabetes Mellitus type 2. Healthy.


Diabetes Mellitus type 2 is a chronic degenerative disease that involves an alteration of the metabolism, which is characterized by a deficient secretion of insulin or alteration of its receptors, which cause negative changes in the patientl s metabolic processes. A descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional study with the aim of describing lifestyles in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at the Piedra Liza Health Center in 2018 was carried out. 67 patients between 26 and 72 years old were included, female and male, diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 from the Piedra Liza Health Center, Rímac (Lima - Peru).

The IMLD (Instrument to Measure the Lifestyle in Diabetics) instrument was used, which consists of 25 questions with possible scores of 0,2 and 4 to the three response options, with the highest score corresponding to the desirable behavior. The results found indicate that: patients presented regularly good lifestyles in terms of nutrition, physical activity, consumption of alcoholic beverages, information about their illness, their emotions and adherence to medical treatment and a healthy lifestyle in terms of habit of smoking in Iow incidence. lt was concluded that the lifestyles presented by patients with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 from the Piedra Liza Health Center are mostly unhealthy.


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How to Cite

Vega Gonzales , E., Cubas Romero, F., Araujo Palacios, L., & Trujillo Cerna, L. (2019). Lifestyles in patients with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 at the Piedra Liza Health Center, 2018. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 13(36), 44–53.



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