Human Eye Plastination, an Additional Tool for Teaching.


  • Hernán Severo Escobar Chavarría
  • Rocío Condori Bustillo
  • Raúl Huayhua Mexicano



Eye, Preservation, Conservation


Plastination is a process of conservation of anatomical and pathological specimens where the fluids of the tissues are replaced by plastics such as silicone, epoxy resin or polyester resin. Currently, it is used and recommended for teaching with minimal restrictions. Various parts of the body can be preserved with plastination, however, in relation to small structures such as the eyeball, there are several structural limitations, for this reason we made in this work, modifications to the original technique to keep this part in specific. An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional work was carried out in the Morphology laboratories of the Universidad del Valle, Cochabamba, in 3 specimens from 2015 to 2018. The plastination technique was applied consisting of 6 phases with some modifications: the piece with 10% formaldehyde; dehydration and degreasing with 60% isopropyl alcohol; impregnation with liquid silicone in a vacuum chamber at room temperature; cured, which was at room temperature. A 5% volume decrease of the original form was observed, in addition to maintain the normal external morphology of the eye. The product obtained was an odorless, dry, non-infectious specimen, with visible details such as the extrinsic muscles of the eye.


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How to Cite

Escobar Chavarría, H. S. ., Condori Bustillo, R. ., & Huayhua Mexicano, R. . (2019). Human Eye Plastination, an Additional Tool for Teaching. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 13(37), 23–30.



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