Green Belt and Road: China-Latin America Partnership for Sustainable Development


  • Douglas de Castro Lanzhou University



Sustainable Development Project, Green Development Agenda


In the broader framework of international relations, China-Latin America cooperation has become a compelling focal point in the pursuit of a sustainable global future. The innovative Green Belt and Road program, a forward-thinking project that aims to balance ecological responsibility with economic progress, is at the heart of this partnership. With a focus on addressing the pressing issues of climate change and biodiversity preservation, this chapter delves into the complex interactions between China and Latin America and examines their shared commitment to sustainable development under the Green Belt and Road


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Author Biography

Douglas de Castro, Lanzhou University

Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Lanzhou


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How to Cite

de Castro, D. (2023). Green Belt and Road: China-Latin America Partnership for Sustainable Development. Journal of Latin American Sciences and Culture, 5(8), 23–27.