Popular Participation Law: Origin and Evolution of Participatory Democracy in Bolivia and its Applicability in Latin America


  • Héctor Acebo




Participatory Democracy


Currently in Bolivia there is a political system of Representative, Participatory, Deliberative and Community Democracy, which has evolved into a totally new system of political organization and foreign to the general theory of Law, currently known as the Autonomies or Autonomous Governments. This is possible thanks to the emergence of the Popular Participation bill, which began as a proposed government program for the 1994 elections, which sought to give greater influence and participation to the population through their neighborhood councils or social organizations. in order to ensure better management of State resources, and guarantee the execution of works and projects that were requested and proposed according to their needs. This began in a Municipal government program in 1988 only in Sucre, this being the place where the legislative project was born, which had as its main result having resource management, allowing better execution, a greater number of works, and above all All things, it allowed for social control that prevented corruption.



How to Cite

Acebo, H. (2024). Popular Participation Law: Origin and Evolution of Participatory Democracy in Bolivia and its Applicability in Latin America. Juris Studia, 1(1), 59–70. https://doi.org/10.52428/12345678.v1i1.1087

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