Models of economic and regional integration. A comparative analysis based on the functionalism of the European Un ion


  • José Manuel Muñoz Puigcerver



lntegration Theories, lnternational relations theories, Economic integration, European Union, NAFTA, MERCOSUR, ASEAN


Because of the process of globalization that has been experienced in recent decades and in which, therefore, economies are increasingly interdependent with each other -and, also, due to the collapse of multilateralism- economic and regional integration agreements of ali kinds have proliferated. However, not ali integration processes have reached the same level of development and, in fact, not even ali of them are of the same nature. For this reason, this article proceeds to examine the different existing models of integration from a theoretical perspective first, then to dissect the model implemented by the EU, that is, the functionalist model and, finally, carry out a comparative analysis between the process followed by the EU itself and that of sorne of the  most relevant customs unions to date, such as MERCOSUR, NAFTA, and ASEAN. 


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How to Cite

Muñoz Puigcerver , J. M. (2018). Models of economic and regional integration. A comparative analysis based on the functionalism of the European Un ion . Revista Compás Empresarial, 9(25), 20–29.



Scientific Paper