Reflection and contributions of a pedagogical music teaching experience for early childhood education, in the period from March to June 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic in an educational institution in Bogotá-Colombia


  • Yudicebim María del Rosario Padilla Rubiano Universidad INCCA de Colombia



COVID-19, Early chilhood education, Music education, Teaching experience


This paper aims to contribute to virtual methodologies in musical educational for early childhood by reflecting on an educational experience in a nursery and preschool institution in Bogotá (Colombia), with children from zero to five years old, during the months of March to June in the space of the socio-sanitary emergency generated by the COVID-19 pandemic presented globally. The teaching experience reflects the impressions of the pedagogical strategies applied, presenting this modality as an alternative for teaching music. The strategies implemented were developed with creativity and resilience to achieve the initial objective of designing methodological strategies according to the resources available at home and the needs of the families. The instrument to systematize the experience was a field journal where the teacher carried out the characterization of the proposed strategies between March and June. Some of the displayed difficulties in the educational processes were bound to class schedules and routines, the availability of time from parents to come along their children in virtual encounters and the children's attention span on the screen. On the other hand, some of the most significant discoveries in this experience were: the children’s quick adaptation from 3 to 5 years old in the new learning environment and the development of new methodological strategies to motivate the learner in virtual encounters.


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How to Cite

Padilla Rubiano, Y. M. del R. . (2021). Reflection and contributions of a pedagogical music teaching experience for early childhood education, in the period from March to June 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic in an educational institution in Bogotá-Colombia. Revista Compás Empresarial, 12(33), 40–67.



Reflection Research Paper