Pressed soil-cement blocks asan ecological alternative against the traditional cooked clay bricks


  • Joaquín Humberto Aquino Rocha
  • Nataly Andrea Zapata Ampuero
  • Marialaura Herrera Rosas
  • Willam Murillo Borda
  • Giovanni Galindo Añez



Soil-cement, Resistance to compression, Durability


The production of clay bricks in an artisanal way is still carried out and widely spread, especially in developing countries; however, this practice consumes severa[ natural resources and generates carbon dioxide {C02) emissions, affecting the environment and the community negatively. In this sense, the aim of the present study is to evaluate the characteristics of the soil-cement blocks, asan ecological alternative, comparing them with the traditional clay bricks. For this reason, a total of 105 soil-cement blocks with different cement contents were made (2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10%), which were subjected to different tests: compression resistance, absorption and durability. The results show that blocks with 8% and 10% cement content have the best characteristics and can even be used for buildings from 7 days after their preparation; however, blocks with 4% and 6% cement content can also be used, but after 28 days, time where they develop the recommended characteristics. 


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How to Cite

Aquino Rocha, J. H., Zapata Ampuero , N. A., Herrera Rosas, M., Murillo Borda, W., & Galindo Añez, G. (2019). Pressed soil-cement blocks asan ecological alternative against the traditional cooked clay bricks. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 15(45), 6–21.



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