
  • Jabih Armantina Austria Tejeda
  • Raúl César Iván López Madrigal
  • Raúl López Ascencio
  • Mario Del Toro Equihua
  • Víctor Manuel Bautista Hernández
  • Raymundo Velasco Rodríguez
  • Clemente Vásquez



IGT, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Impaired fasting glycemia


Impaired fasting glucose and impaired glucose tolerance are two clinical forms classified as prediabetic stages and tend to increase with age and obesity. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of these clinical forms in Colima University's students, Mexico.

A cross-sectional study, which involved 59 students from the University of Colima, Mexico was conducted. Glucose measurements were performed on fasting and afterload with 75g of glucose, glucose readings being taken at 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes afterload. Normoglycemic figures were considered in Iower fasting 100 mg/dl, impaired fasting glucose if the figures were among >100 mg / dl and <126 mg / dl for glucose intolerance figures had to be between 140 mg / dl and <200 mg / dl to 120 minutes of afterload and type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with glucose levels mg / dl at any time afterload.

The presence of impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance and type 2 Diabetes Mellitus increased the weight of the participants, however having normal weight or underweight did not exclude the presence of these clinical forms.


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How to Cite

Austria Tejeda , J. A., López Madrigal , R. C. I., López Ascencio , R., Del Toro Equihua , M., Bautista Hernández , V. M., Velasco Rodríguez , R., & Vásquez , C. (2014). INCIDENCE OF GLUCOSE INTOLERANCE AND IMPAIRED FASTING GLUCOSE IN UNIVERSITY OF COLIMAS STUDENTS, MEXICO. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 9(22), 16–23.



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