Effectiveness of Tanaka Johnston's analysis in a certain population of Jalisco (Mexico) 2010-2015.


  • María Fernanda Gutiérrez-Rojo
  • Jaime Fabián Gutiérrez Rojo
  • Jaime Gutiérrez Villaseñor
  • Alma Rosa Rojas García




Tanaka Johnston method, Mixed dentition, Malocclusion


The mixed dentition analysis Tanaka Johnston is used for orthodontic diagnosis, however this analysis can perform improper diagnosis because of differences in population's dental sizes. The Universe was 425 studied models orthodontic pretreatment study, the sample size was calculated and the result was 123 study models. The lower incisors, canines and premolars maxillary and mandibular models mesiodistally study measured the mixed dentition analysis of Tanaka and Johnston was applied. For data collection the Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and statistical program was held at the Stat Calc program was used. Statistically significant differences between calculated with the equation of Tanaka Johnston values and the values of the canines and premolars were found maxilla and mandible. It was moderate positive correlation between the predicted values and the values of the study population. Analysis of Tanaka Johnston is not effective for use in the study population because overestimates the values of the canine and premolars of the maxilla and mandible.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez-Rojo, M. F., Gutiérrez Rojo, J. F., Gutiérrez Villaseñor, J., & Rojas García, A. R. (2017). Effectiveness of Tanaka Johnston’s analysis in a certain population of Jalisco (Mexico) 2010-2015. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 12(30), 32–37. https://doi.org/10.52428/20756208.v12i30.510



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