Microabrasion technique applying fluoride in varnish and acidulated gel in the elimination of spots of hypomineralization of young permanent teeth made in Clínica Odontológica Universidad Privada del Valle 2012


  • Juan Bernardo Jimenez Tadic
  • Julieta Angela Janco Orsolini




Fluorine varnish, Spot treatment, Young permanent teeth, Carie dental, Tooth remineralisation


There are several causes that could produce alterations at the enamel level in permanent teeth, either during its formation or during its maturation, which could cause a white spot called hypomineralization of enamel. At Clínica Odontológica Universidad Privada del Valle Cochabamba, a prospective, experimental and transversal research work was carried out with the objective of comparing clinically the efficiency of the microabrasion technique with the application offluoride in 5 % varnish and 1,23% gel acid fluoride with pH 3,5 for the reduction, or in some cases the total visual elimination of hypomineralization lesions.  lt selected 50 anterior young permanent teeth with hypomineralization in the vestibular face in children between 6 and 12 years, which were randomly distributed in 2 groups: 25 dental pieces treated with the technique of microabrasion with fluoride in 5 % varnish and 25 pieces with the technique of microabrasion with fluoride gel at 1,23 %, making 8 applications, 1 per week for each tooth.

The treatment of microabrasion with pumice stone, plus the application of fluoride, was able to visually reduce the white spot produced by hypomineralization in the tooth enamel, although the result could be improved by using a pumice stone with fine or extra fine granulation. The permanent central incisors were the most affected pieces (42 %) being the fluorine in varnish (45,5 %) more effective than the fluorine gel (40 %) reducing the white spot, probably because its release is slow and prolonged.


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How to Cite

Jimenez Tadic , J. B., & Janco Orsolini , J. A. (2018). Microabrasion technique applying fluoride in varnish and acidulated gel in the elimination of spots of hypomineralization of young permanent teeth made in Clínica Odontológica Universidad Privada del Valle 2012. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 13(33), 13–20. https://doi.org/10.52428/20756208.v13i33.495



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