Prevalen of ceceliac disease in patients of Hospital UNIVALLE 2016- 2017


  • Jacqueline Borda Zambrana
  • Edson Flores
  • Sarah Vasquez
  • Yhassyre Abularach



Celiac disease, Autoinmunity, Serological tests, Enteropathy, Gluten


Celiac disease is a chronic enteropathy  of the small intestinal mucosa caused by gluten intolerance, which results in villous atrophy, malabsorption and clinical symptoms that manifest in childhood or adulthood. The pathogenesis consists in the interaction of the proteins present in wheat, barley, oats and rye between genetic, immunological and environmental factors, which interact with the molecules of human leukocyte antigens to activate an immunological response in the mucosa of the small intestine, producing tissue damage.

Serological tests and duodenal biopsy (the gold standard) are important for diagnosis. A retro-spective cross-sectional study was carried out on 23 patients who attended the specialty of gastroenterology at Hospital UNIVALLE Cochabamba between 2016 -2017, the tests EMA, tTGA and antigliadin and upper endoscopy were determined, observing greater positivity in the female sex than in the male. 

Studies conducted in Europe, the United States and Latin America have found frequencies of this disease between 1/100 - 1/300 and the diagnosis depends on the degree of clinical suspicion. The prevalence data found confirm that celiac disease constitutes a public health problem in our country, which could justify the establishment of a study program. The regions with the highest prevalence (1 %) are Europe and the USA, where traditional food is based on foods with gluten. 10801 patients were attended during the 2016 and 2017 procedures, with a prevalence of 0,21 %, with a low prevalence in our country, due to the lack of studies and the clinic.


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How to Cite

Borda Zambrana , J., Flores , E., Vasquez , S., & Abularach , Y. (2018). Prevalen of ceceliac disease in patients of Hospital UNIVALLE 2016- 2017. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 13(34), 13–22.



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