Efficacy of natural sedation in patients undergoing surgical procedures at Clínica Odontológica UNIVALLE, Cochabamba 2017


  • Edwin Guarayo Molina
  • Nicolás Aguilar Sánchez
  • Ximena Claros Martínez
  • Nayra Revollo Sandoval
  • Daily Rojas Mhur
  • Lourdes Alvarez Galindo




Sedation, Oral surgery, Efficacy


Dental caries, trauma and other conditions can be so severe that they do not allow the restoration of the affected tooth, which has been eliminated through a surgical procedure that generates anxiety in the patient. Currently, many drugs are available for the control of anxiety, an alternative to these are the compounds based on natural plants such as Sedativol@. A prospective, transversal and analytical research was carried out in order to determine the efficacy of this compound in patients undergoing surgical procedures. The universe consisted of 60 patients divided into four groups: control, placebo, simple and surgical extractions. The variables used were: blood pressure, pulse and anxiety level, all registered before the surgical procedure and during the two controls, performed 30 and 60 minutes after the intake of Sedativol@ or placebo. The results show that Sedativol@ has no definite effect on blood pressure and pulse values, which may be due to particular factors of each patient. In the different study groups, a reduction in the level of anxiety was observed, both in the first and the second control. Sedativol@ proved to be effective in reducing the level of anxiety in patients who underwent surgical procedures. 


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How to Cite

Guarayo Molina , E., Aguilar Sánchez , N., Claros Martínez , X., Revollo Sandoval , N., Rojas Mhur , D., & Alvarez Galindo , L. (2018). Efficacy of natural sedation in patients undergoing surgical procedures at Clínica Odontológica UNIVALLE, Cochabamba 2017. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 13(34), 5–12. https://doi.org/10.52428/20756208.v13i34.487



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