The predictive value of ferritin in patients with Sars Cov-2 (Covid-19) of the Univalle Hospital 2020- 2021




SARS-CoV-2, Ferritina, Marcadores, Inflamación, Hospitalizados


A new virus of the coronavirus family (CoV) was identified, called by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses as acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The remaining 20% ​​develop a clinical picture characterized by bilateral interstitial pneumonia which involves respiratory failure and an increase in the systemic inflammatory response with elevated inflammatory markers, therefore ferritin is the main protein responsible for storing, transforming and releasing iron in a controlled manner, ferritin is considered an acute phase reactive marker, that is, it increases its concentration in response to inflammatory processes, infections and tumors.

Objectif: To determine the value of ferritin in hospitalized patients with positive SARS COV-2 (Covid-19) infection based on sex and age at the Hospital Univalle Sud management 2020-2021.


Methodology: The type of research selected for the study is descriptive, since the problem is of a practical nature that will help to disseminate the results obtained from the determination of serum ferritin as an acute phase reactant protein. The study population are hospitalized patients at the Univalle Sud hospital with a positive diagnosis of SARS COV-2 (Covid-19) in both sexes and all ages during the 2020-2021 term, which is made up of 148 patients.


Results: Ferritin concentration by sex of hospitalized patients; in women, 40 patients (63.49%) had high ferritin values ​​(≤124 ng / ml) and 23 patients (36.51%) had normal ferritin values ​​(≤124 ng / ml); In men, 81 patients (95.29%) had high ferritin values ​​(≤220 ng / ml) and 4 patients (4.71%) had normal ferritin values (≤220 ng / ml).

Conclusion: It can be established that ferritin effectively acts as an acute phase reactant protein, iron being attracted to inflammatory cytokines stored in macrophages as ferritin.


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Author Biographies

Jacqueline Borda De Abularach, Medico

Medico cirujano y bioquimico, jefe de laboratorio Hospital Univalle Sur

Jacqueline Borda Zambrana, Medico

Bioquímica clínica, Médico Cirujano. Hospital Univalle SINFA


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Ana Otoya-Tono, María García, Catalina Moncayo, Carlos Wills, Ángela Campos. COVID-19: generalidades, comportamiento epidemiológico y medidas adoptadas en medio de la pandemia en Colombia. Acta de Otorrinolaringología & Cirugía de Cabeza y Cuello. 2020; 4 (13): 4-5.

Organización Mundial de la Salud. El género y la COVID-19. Ginebra: OMS; 2020. Disponible en:

P. Fanlo, G. Espinosa, A. Adán, A. Fonollosa, H. Heras, J. Oteiza, L. Sáez Comet y L. Pallarés. Impacto de la infección por el nuevo coronavirus en los pacientes con uveítis asociada a una enfermedad autoinmune: resultado de la encuesta COVID-19-GEAS pacientes. Archivos de la sociedad española de oftalmología. 2020; 19(6): 1-6.

William F, Marshall MD. Síntomas inusuales del coronavirus (COVID-19): ¿cuáles son?. Madrid: Mayo clinic; 2021. Disponible en:



How to Cite

Borda De Abularach, J., & Borda Zambrana, J. (2023). The predictive value of ferritin in patients with Sars Cov-2 (Covid-19) of the Univalle Hospital 2020- 2021. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 18(44), 32–37.



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