Application of biomaterials post exeresis of a root inflammatory cyst


  • Javier Boris Adrián Burgos Universidad Privada del Valle image/svg+xml
  • Renia Valia Hurtado Velasco Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Fabián Galindo Artunduaga Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Juan Pablo Delgado Guisbert Universidad Privada del Valle



Biomateriales, quiste inflamatorio radicular, osteoconducción.


The loss of bone volume, has as an alternative treatment the application of biomaterials, seeking the replacement and increase of bone tissue, through biological properties such as osteogenesis, osteoinduction and osteointegration. Grafts are one of the main examples that help restore and return function to altered structures.

The use of biomaterials will help us to produce guided bone regeneration, for this it is necessary to know the biological and molecular mechanisms that intervene in the repair of bone tissue.

Surgical procedure was performed at the Dental Clinic UNIVALLE La Paz-Bolivia, reporting a clinical case, female patient of 48 year old, with a cystic process in part, 15, treated with exodontia, enucleation of the cyst and histopathological study of the same. The cavity was treated with sticky bone, in addition to the use of porcine pericardial membrane.

Biomaterials seek adequate bone formation in volume and quality.

The use of biomaterials will help us produce guided bone regeneration having the ability to induce bone neoformation. For this, it is necessary to know the processes of the biological and molecular mechanisms involved in the repair of bone tissue.

Surgical procedure was performed at the Dental Clinic UNIVALLE La Paz - Bolivia, reporting a clinical case, female patient of 48 years of age, with cystic process in pza, 1.5, treated with exodontist of the piece, enucleation of the cystic process, representative sample was sent for histopathological study and treatment of the cavity was performed with sticky bone in addition, the use of porcine pericardium membrane.


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Author Biographies

Javier Boris Adrián Burgos, Universidad Privada del Valle

Médico cirujano, Cirujano Dentista, Esp. En Cirugía Bucal, Msc. En Implantología Oral,   Docente Univalle Sub- Sede La Paz.,

Renia Valia Hurtado Velasco , Universidad Privada del Valle

Estudiante Carrera de Odontología, Universidad Privada Del Valle La Paz, Bolivia.

Fabián Galindo Artunduaga, Universidad Privada del Valle

Estudiante Carrera de Odontología, Universidad Privada Del Valle La Paz, Bolivia.

Juan Pablo Delgado Guisbert, Universidad Privada del Valle

Estudiante Carrera de Odontología, Universidad Privada Del Valle La Paz, Bolivia.        


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How to Cite

Adrián Burgos, J. B., Hurtado Velasco , R. V., Galindo Artunduaga, F., & Delgado Guisbert, J. P. (2022). Application of biomaterials post exeresis of a root inflammatory cyst. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 17(43), 97–106.



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