Elaboración de informes de laboratorio para la asignatura de física aplicada en la plataforma Microsoft 365


  • Edgar Flores Tórrez Universidad Privada del Valle image/svg+xml
  • Jans Velarde Negrete Universidad Mayor de San Simón




TIC's, Microsoft 365, Lab Reports, Physics, Onedrive.


Introduction: This research shows TIC's as a cognitive tool in the process of preparing applied physics reports, considering in these times the change of teaching-learning from face-to-face to virtual is appropriate, its implementation collaborates in the teaching-learning process, proposing new teaching models, promoting collaborative and autonomous work.

Objective: To analyze the influence of the use of MICROSOFT 365 as a tool for the elaboration of laboratory reports by second semester students in the Applied Physics subject of the Biochemistry and Pharmacy career of the Universidad del Valle, during the management II- 2019.

Methods: An observational, descriptive, prospective, cross-sectional analytical study with a positivist approach, with a population of 33 students and a unit of analysis of 31, who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Results: Of the total participants in the study, 90% were women. Regarding age, 29% were 19 years old. 83.9% of the trained students found it easy to use the Microsoft 365 platform, showing a degree of satisfaction of 90.3%. The preparation of applied physics reports, using this platform, reduced academic stress from 61% to 26%.

Conclusions: According to the results obtained, it is concluded that: The application of the MICROSOFT 365 platform in the preparation of applied physics reports is easier and reduces academic stress.


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Author Biographies

Edgar Flores Tórrez, Universidad Privada del Valle

Docente tiempo horario Carrera Bioquímica y Farmacia Univalle

Jans Velarde Negrete, Universidad Mayor de San Simón

Docente Investigador tiempo horario Facultad Bioquímica y Farmacia UMSS


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How to Cite

Flores Tórrez, E., & Velarde Negrete, J. (2022). Elaboración de informes de laboratorio para la asignatura de física aplicada en la plataforma Microsoft 365 . Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 17(42), 17–22. https://doi.org/10.52428/20756208.v17i42.242



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