Sigle Bond™ Universal and Adper ™ Single Bond 2 adhesives comparison against microfiltration in Class II restorations sealed with Bulk Fill resin


  • GABRIEL ANDRE CLAROS JALDIN Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Cinthya Fabiola Zamorano Vilar Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Liliana Cáceres Sánchez Universidad Privada del Valle



Acid etching, Adhesive systems, Bulk Fill, Microfiltration


Introduction: Adhesive systems are a very important part of oral rehabilitation, which is why the professional must be constantly updated with new information on the most recent products marketed.

Objective: To determine the degree of gingival marginal microfiltration in class II cavities, filled with FiltekTM Bulk Fill resin (single increment), comparing 2 different adhesive systems: the first, the Single BondTM Universal adhesive (self-etching), without acid etching; and the second, the AdperTM Single Bond 2 adhesive, with total acid etching.

Methodology: A prospective, analytical, and cross-sectional study was carried out to show the marginal gingival microfiltration. 25 posterior teeth, molars and premolars were used. 2 standardized class II cavity preparations were made, without an occlusal drawer, located on the proximal faces (mesial-distal), later both preparations were filled with FiltekTM Bulk Fill resin using 2 adhesive systems: the Single BondTM Universal (self-etching), without acid etching and AdperTM Single Bond 2 Adhesive with total acid etching. The samples were subjected to 200 cycles of thermocycling in a 1% methylene blue solution, later they were cut to show marginal microfiltration.

Results: It was demonstrated that using both adhesive systems there was marginal microfiltration; Greater microfiltration was found with the Single BondTM Universal Adhesive (self-etching) with an average of 44,7%; compared to that obtained with the AdperTM Single Bond 2 Adhesive, which had an average microfiltration value of 26%; with microfiltration averages of 1,78 ± 1,25mm and 1,06 ± 1,16mm, respectively. The AdperTM Single Bond 2 adhesive obtained 10 samples out of 25 that did not show any microfiltration, contrasting with 3 samples of 25 without microfiltration, with the Single BondTM Universal adhesive (self-etching).

Conclusion: A difference was found in the degree of marginal microfiltration in favor of the AdperTM Single Bond 2 adhesive system, obtaining this lower percentage compared to the Single Bond Universal adhesive system in its self-etching mode.


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How to Cite

CLAROS JALDIN, G. A., Zamorano Vilar, C. F., & Cáceres Sánchez, L. (2021). Sigle Bond™ Universal and Adper ™ Single Bond 2 adhesives comparison against microfiltration in Class II restorations sealed with Bulk Fill resin . Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 16(41), 26–46.



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