Apical microfiltrarion in unirradicular teeth obtured in vitro with different endodontic cements


  • Ana Carolina Reyes Aracena Universidad Privada del Valle
  • Cinthya Fabiola Zamorano Vilar




Apical microfiltration, Diaphanization, Endodontics, Endodontic cements


Introduction: A key factor for the success of endodontics is to obtain a good apical seal that avoids microfiltration.

Objective: To analyze the apical microfiltration in single-rooted teeth filled in vitro with gutta-percha cones and cements based on MTA, ZOE and Sealer 26.

Methodology: A prospective, cross-sectional and analytical research was carried out where the microfiltration of cements based on MTA, ZOE and Sealer 26 was compared in terms of the amount of microfiltration, working time and degree of flow, with respect to a control positive where the pieces were prepared, waterproofed but not sealed; and a negative control which was not prepared, sealed or waterproofed. Extracted single-root teeth were used (10 per cement group, 5 for positive control and 5 for negative control). The dental samples were prepared with the classical technique and filled with the lateral condensation technique. The microfiltration was visualized with the India ink and the transparent pieces. The study variables were measured with ImageJ software and compared with SPSS version 18.

Results: Sealer 26 cement presented a lower average of apical microfiltration, being the only one that obtained cases of excellent sealing, followed by cement based on MTA and ZOE, only 3 samples showed a regular movement on the branching, 2 of the group of the MTA and one of Sealer 26, regarding the working time the 3 cements presented a similar average time.

Conclusion: The cement that obtained the best sealing properties was Sealer 26 cement and the pieces filled with ZOE presented a higher average of apical microfiltration.


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How to Cite

Reyes Aracena, A. C., & Zamorano Vilar, C. F. . (2021). Apical microfiltrarion in unirradicular teeth obtured in vitro with different endodontic cements . Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 16(41), 4–25. https://doi.org/10.52428/20756208.v16i41.146



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