Morphological study of the lingula and the presence of the antilingula in dry mandibles of Bolivian adults


  • Heber Gonzalo Quelca Choque Hospital del Niño Dr. Ovidio Aliaga Uría
  • Milton Portugal Alvestegui Universidad Mayor de San Andrés
  • Christian Rubén Cusi Fernández Universidad Mayor de San Andrés
  • Lizette Tiñini Gutierrez Universidad Mayor de San Andrés



Lingula, antilingula, mandible, morphology.


The mandibular lingula and antilingula are anatomical structures considered as reference points for local anesthesia techniques and maxillofacial surgical procedures. The present work seeks to study the frequent shape of the lingula and the presence of the antilingula in dry mandibular pieces and relate it to other research carried out in other countries. It is a cross-sectional descriptive study, carried out on 174 dry adult jaws (348 hemimandibles) belonging to the faculties of dentistry and medicine of the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés in the city of La Paz, Bolivia. The results showed that 62.9% (219) of the hemimandibles presented the truncated shape, followed by the triangular shape with 17.8% (62 sides), with the nodular and assimilated types being less frequent with 15.5% (54) and 3.7% (13) respectively. The absence of the antilingula was evident in 63.2% (220 hemimandibles) and its presence was observed in 36.8% (128 sides), showing symmetrically absent or present on both sides with 55.2% (96 jaws) and asymmetric in 78 specimens. . with 44.8%. We conclude that, in the dry mandibles studied, the most common type of lingula was truncated, followed by the triangular, nodular and assimilated or absorbed forms, finding a relationship with the data found in Thailand and Brazil. No significant differences were found in the types of mandibular lingula between the left and right sides. The antilingula is absent in almost two-thirds of Bolivian mandibles.


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Author Biographies

Milton Portugal Alvestegui, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés

Cirujano dentista

Docente titular de Anatomía Humana y Neuroanatomía de la Facultad de Odontología de la               Universidad Mayor de San Andrés

Magíster Scientiarum en Psicopedagogía y Educación Superior

Christian Rubén Cusi Fernández, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés

Cirujano dentista

Maestrante en Cirugía y Traumatología Bucomaxilofacial

Lizette Tiñini Gutierrez, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés

Cirujano dentista


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How to Cite

Quelca Choque, H. G., Portugal Alvestegui, M., Cusi Fernández, C. R., & Tiñini Gutierrez, L. (2024). Morphological study of the lingula and the presence of the antilingula in dry mandibles of Bolivian adults. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 19(46), 11–18.



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