Actitudes hacia la persona mayor por parte de los estudiantes de enfermería de la Universidad Adventista de Chile, 2023


  • Maria del Pilar Acosta Universidad Adventista de Chile
  • Catalina Flguiera Universidad Adventista de Chile
  • Cristian Ramirez Universidad Adventista de Chile
  • Andrea Vielma Universidad Adventista de Chile
  • Antonia Riquelme Universidad Adventista de Chile



Elderly, person, care, nursing, attitude


Background and objective: According to the World Health Organization, elder abuse is defined as a single, repeated action or lack of an appropriate response, which occurs in any relationship where there is trust, and which causes harm or distress to the older person. To describe the attitudes of nursing students at the Adventist University of Chile (UnACh) when interacting with an elderly person.

Materials and methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional design was carried out with a convenience sample; where two instruments were applied, a sociodemographic questionnaire and another Attitude of the nursing internship student towards providing care to the elderly.

Results: 97.2% of the participants were Chilean and 81.7% were women with an average age of ± 25 years. The majority of participants presented an attitude of mild acceptance regarding providing care to the elderly (+0.87), a similar result was obtained in the students' aptitude when providing nursing care to the elderly, in the hospital area. , identifying and satisfying their basic needs (+1.00), however, the attitude of communicating and interacting (+1.31) and nursing care for the elderly, in the community area, identifying and satisfying their basic needs (+1.8) was moderately accepted. Therefore, caring for older adults in nursing is not something uncomfortable or unpleasant to do, all of this is potentially due to value formation in the family and academically.

Keywords: Elderly person, care, nursing, attitude


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How to Cite

Acosta, M. del P., Flguiera, C., Ramirez, C., Vielma, A., & Riquelme, A. (2024). Actitudes hacia la persona mayor por parte de los estudiantes de enfermería de la Universidad Adventista de Chile, 2023 . Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 19(46), 32–42.



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