Enhancing Science and Climate Literacy in Latin America and the Caribbean







2024 年科学素养洲际会议汇集了专家、教育工作者和政策制定者,共同探讨拉丁美洲和加勒比地区科学和气候素养的变化情况。本文件综合了会议上分享的想法,旨在作为促进科学素养措施的资源。关键主题包括数字化转型对教育的影响、将气候素养纳入学校课程、文化相关性的重要性以及可访问性和错误信息的挑战。还强调了通过协作网络、公众参与和支持性政策提高科学素养的机会。白皮书提出了整合数字工具、促进包容性和促进终身学习的战略。这些建议将被纳入《科学和气候素养宣言》的持续发展中,该宣言最初由安第斯道路国家科学技术组织及其合作者于 2021 年发布。


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Pérez Canencio, J. G., Ojeda Solarte, M. L., Torres Herrera, A. A., & Giraldo Ceballos, A. E. (2022). Ecobarómetro digital: Midiendo la conciencia ambiental ciudadana en Colombia. Journal of Latin American Sciences and Culture, 4(6), 68-71. https://doi.org/10.52428/27888991.v4i6.362

https://doi.org/10.52428/27888991.v4i6.362 DOI: https://doi.org/10.52428/27888991.v4i6.362

World Organization for Science Literacy (WOSL). (2023). Global vision: Science literacy initiatives [Web page]. Retrieved from https://www.wosl.org.cn/en/NewsCenter/GlobalVision/art/2023/art_58cc7472b2124bb1ae0d6d314af93ef7.html




How to Cite

Cabero, M., Pérez, J., Ojeda, M. L., Zhang , Z., Lim, T., Hashmi, I., Liu, Z., de Castro, D., Montoya, G., & Wade, D. (2024). Enhancing Science and Climate Literacy in Latin America and the Caribbean. Journal of Latin American Sciences and Culture, 6(9), 15–21. https://doi.org/10.52428/27888991.v6i9.1206