La juventud es parte importante de la revitalización rural


  • Yan Wu Xidian University


Palabras clave:

Community, Rural revitalization, Youth


The characteristics of rural decline, in the rapid economic development of the present, is also spreading around the world. Overall, rural decline presents regional characteristics and national differences. After the fast industrialization and urbanization in the West, the scale and specialization of agriculture led to the expansion of farms, the decrease of population and the continuous decline of rural communities. In East Asia, aging and hollowing are increasingly common among precipitous industrialization and urbanization and government-driven rural development. In some developing countries, small and medium-sized farmers are forced to move into cities after bankruptcy, further aggravating the lagging status of rural development.


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Cómo citar

Wu, Y. (2021). La juventud es parte importante de la revitalización rural. Journal of Latin American Sciences and Culture, 3(3), 56–60.



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