A New Blueprint of Collaboration the Science Culture Construction fostering innovation and green development


  • Marco Cabero Zabalaga Universidad Privada del Valle




Blueprint of Collaboration, Science Culture Construction, fostering innovation and green development


In an era defined by the urgency of environmental challenges, a transformative paradigm is emerging: a fusion of collaboration and building scientific culture that catalyzes innovation for sustainable green development. This brief explores the dynamic interplay between collaboration and science culture, emphasizing their collective impact on fostering innovative solutions to propel us towards a greener, more sustainable future. The new paradigm of collaboration transcends disciplinary boundaries, fostering the convergence of diverse perspectives and experiences. This brief argues that cross-pollination of ideas and skills, facilitated by collaborative efforts, cultivates an environment conducive to innovation. The synthesis of collective intelligence and the establishment of a collaborative ecosystem become essential drivers to address complex environmental problems, leading to novel solutions in the field of green development.


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How to Cite

Cabero Zabalaga, M. (2023). A New Blueprint of Collaboration the Science Culture Construction fostering innovation and green development . Journal of Latin American Sciences and Culture, 5(8), 99–109. https://doi.org/10.52428/27888991.v5i8.1075