Relationship between the Experiences of University Virtual Training with Level of Public Investment in Latin America - The Case of Adaptation to the Climate Change


  • Colque Muñoz Gregorio Rodrigo



Climate Change ­ Training, Adapting to climate change, Capacity building, Public policies far adaptation to climate change, Vulnerability


This study identified the relationship between the amounts of the offer of virtual training on the issue of climate change adaptation (CCA), with the level of public investment in education in Latin American countries. An online literature review was conducted about academic offerings on the tapie in 845 universities and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) values were compiled, and the share of public investment in the education sector in 20 Latin American countries were collected, determining that there is a low level of provision on the subject of CCA (12 jobs). A direct relationship between the number of deals in ACC and GDP (rs = 0.51) was found, and no relationship with the level of investment in the education sector (rs = ­0.01) was found. This lack of relationship may be due to investment in CCA is transverse and not exclusive to a sector of state investment. The need far CCA postgraduate training and inform civil society about how to deal with this problem was demonstrated. 


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How to Cite

Gregorio Rodrigo, C. M. (2014). Relationship between the Experiences of University Virtual Training with Level of Public Investment in Latin America - The Case of Adaptation to the Climate Change. Journal Boliviano De Ciencias, 10(32), 16–23.



Scientific Paper