Bibliographic review of the physiotherapeutic approach in trigeminal nerve disorders in their main ramifications, regarding two cases


  • Sergio Flores Valenzuela Universidad Privada del Valle
  • español español Universidad Privada del Valle



Nervio trigemino, Tratamiento, Fisioterapia, Neuralgia, Transtorno


Describe different therapeutic approaches used in the management of trigeminal neuralgia, evaluating their effectiveness and safety in relieving facial pain, through a generalized description of this pathology. The fifth cranial nerve, also known as the trigeminal nerve, is a mixed nerve. , this plays an essential role in the sensitivity and motor function of the face;which can develop painful disorders in the mouth and face, hypersensitivity, tingling, burning and muscle spasms that can last for years or a lifetime and affect the quality of life of those who have it.This Article is of the observational descriptive type which aims to identify the epidemiology, causes, classification, symptoms, diagnosis, treatments through techniques used by physiotherapy and kinesiology and the respective treatments that can be provided to relieve pain, improve function. motor skills and restore the quality of life of patients.


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PMid:24275225 PMCid:PMC3855656



How to Cite

Flores Valenzuela, S., & español, español. (2024). Bibliographic review of the physiotherapeutic approach in trigeminal nerve disorders in their main ramifications, regarding two cases. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 19(46), 109–118.



Case Report