Internal anatomical variations of the Iower first premolars by in vitro diaphanintion and radiography


  • Luz Marina Montán Montaño
  • René Mauricio Pedraza Rivero



Internal radicular anatomy, Diafanization, Internal radicular morphology, Root canal, Vertucci


The first permanent Iower premolars to be uniradicular pieces are expected to also have a single root canal, which is not necessarily so, so there are classifications of anatomical variations of the root canal system.

The present study was prospective, cross-sectio nal, in vitro, with the objective of determining the internal anatomical variations of the first Iower premolars by diafanization and radiographic examination. The sample of convenience consisted of 50 first Iower premolars extracted. In the first instance the radiographs were taken of each of the premolars in the frontal and lateral sense to later establish a relationship with the pieces that were subjected to a diaphanization process, where it applies chinese ink to the interior of the ducts to appreciate, through the transparency of the tooth, his anatomy in extensive. lt was observed that 66 % of the sample presented the type I according to Vertucci, followed by type V with 22 %, type III with 8 and type ll with 4 % respectively; lateral foramina were also present and not centered in 22 % of the samples. These results are similar to those found by Labarta et in Buenos Aires, who found type I according to Vertucci with 63,0 %, however Greco et al. in Barcelona with the same typological characteristics was 68,3 %. lt is concluded that the type I according to Vertucci is the most frequent, however there are approximately 30 % variations in its typology, for which it is necessary to take the necessary measures to identify the internal anatomical variations and thus successfully conclude the treatment ofthe ducts.



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How to Cite

Montán Montaño , L. M., & Pedraza Rivero , R. M. (2018). Internal anatomical variations of the Iower first premolars by in vitro diaphanintion and radiography. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 13(32), 35–45.



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