Depression in pregnant of San Juan de Lurigancho Hospital (Peru) during the period may -june 2017


  • Emilio Vega Gonzales
  • Marlene Gerónimo Flores
  • Carla Holguín Paúcar
  • Karla Infantas Valenzuela
  • Magali Julca Ramón



Depressive disorder, Pregnancy, Depression, Risk factor's, Edinburgh Scale


Depression is a public health problem that generally goes unnoticed by the population, and tends to be more frequent during pregnancy. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out to determine the frequency of depression among the pregnant women of the San Juan de Lurigancho Hospital during the may-june 2017 period. A probabilistic sample was taken, consisting of 127 pregnant women, who were applied the Edinburgh Depression Scale, considering depression as a total score on the scale of 13 or more.

The results indicate that 22,0 % of pregnant women (28) presented depression and 78,0 % (99) not presented depression. The maternal characteristics with the highest proportion of cases was the age group between 20 and 35 years old (23 out of 90), the primary level of education (8 out of 21) and married marital status (3 out of 5), none of them with statistical significance. (p» 0,05). lt highlights the presence of 17 pregnant women (13,4 %) who indicated having had the idea of self-harm, lt is concluded that the frequency of depression in the Hospital San Juan de Lurigancho (Peru), is within the average reported by the literature; age, educational level or marital status do not show significant assocíation with depression; and a psychological evaluation is necessary, especially in those that reported the idea of hurting themselves.


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How to Cite

Vega Gonzales , E., Gerónimo Flores , M., Holguín Paúcar , C., Infantas Valenzuela, K., & Julca Ramón , M. (2018). Depression in pregnant of San Juan de Lurigancho Hospital (Peru) during the period may -june 2017. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 13(32), 29–34.



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