Use of health services by people with HIV in Cochabamba, Bolivia


  • Jhemel Garay
  • Inghel Peña
  • Karina Rojas
  • Iván Rivera
  • Edgar Valdez



HIV/AIDS, Health services, Treatment of HIV/AIDS


A qualitative cross-descri ptive study was condu cted with the objective of identifying the factors, which prevent the use of health services by people with HIV in Cochabamba (Bolivia). Semistructured interviews were conducted and clinical histories of 60 patients with HIV were reviewed, with a sampling for convenience that sought a representation of patients that attend regularly, irregulary, or abandon health services, a representation of people from the LGBT community, and children with HIV (inverviews were conducted through parents or guardians).

Results: of the 60-people interviewed, no children under 15 years-old were found to have abandoned treatment. Acccording to the geographic characteristics of the study, 50% lived less than an hour from health services and 47% lived more than two hours away from health services. Care in health services for members of the LGBT population is perceived as average or bad. The intrinsic factor related to the irregular attendance and abandonment of monitoring, is unfavorable familiy relations, which hinder adecuate control of HIV. The study identified intrinsic and extrinsic factors that determine the abandoment of treatment and monitoring.

Work in the family to reduce stigma and discrimination is recommended. Health personel must provide warm and quality care, prioritize access to health services for women with HIV and the LGBT population, and provide a friendly care schedule and adecuate and simple information about the side-effects of ARV, and decentralized access to medical care, laboratorial procedures, and ARV delivery services must be improved.


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How to Cite

Garay , J., Peña , I., Rojas , K., Rivera, I., & Valdez , E. (2018). Use of health services by people with HIV in Cochabamba, Bolivia. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 13(32), 17–28.



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