
  • Nelson Torrez
  • Miguel Silva
  • Frank Monzón
  • Lorena Romero
  • Simón Claros
  • Marco Manguia




Obesity and diabetes, Obesity, Diabetes mellitus type 2, Abdominal Girth


One of the epidemics in Latin America is Obesity; together with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 mellitus and hypertension, which make up the Metabolic Syndrome associated with a number of dyslipidemic disorders. Obesity has different behavior when associated with fat accumulation in the intra-abdominal region, increasing the risk for cardiovascular disease, translating the abdominal circumference measurement as a proxy for identification.

This research was descriptive and transversal, within the framework of the project "Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of diabetes in Coroico, 201 4 11 ; in order to determine the relationship between high values of abdominal circumference, obesity and diabetes using this measure.

The total population was 404, with 196 (48,51%) women, of which 129 (65,81%) with abdominal circumference >88 cm; in relation to men, they were 208, from which, 22 (10,57%) with abdominal circumference >102 cm; in this group 14 people with DM2, 64,18% in males and 35,82% females were identified.

The results showed that abdominal obesity in men represents an indicator of concomitance and comorbidity with Diabetes Mellitus type 2 and hypertension, which together increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.


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How to Cite

Torrez , N., Silva, M., Monzón , F., Romero , L., Claros , S., & Manguia , M. (2016). ABDOMINAL CIRCUMFERENCE RATIO RELATIONSHIP WITH OBESITY AND DIABETES MELLITUS TYPE 2 IN PEOPLE FROM COROICO, 2014. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 11(27), 48–54. https://doi.org/10.52428/20756208.v11i27.527



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