Socioeconomic of patients with Chronic Kidney Disease with replacement therapy, Cochabamba 2013


  • Nelson Manuel Marca Zuna
  • Marcelo Rojas Mattos



Hemodialysis, Chronic renal diseas, Renal Health Program


The end-stage renal disease (CKD G5D) was recently classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a worldwide epidemic due to its high health, social and economic impact, being considered a Public Health problem. The present study determined the sociodemographic characteristics that affect the patient with chronic renal disease in a substitution treatment with hemodialysis in Cochabamba, 2073. Methodology: Cross-sectional, observational, descriptive, comparative and exploratory study. The dialysis registry of the renal program of the Ministry of Health was used as a sociodemographic data collection instrument. All patients with hemodialysis from the three hemodialysis centers were included. Results: We found 399 patients with this disease. The first cause was diabetes and surprisingly the second cause is unknown. The most affected age group ranges between the ages of 50 and 60, and only had a job. Conclusion: We must make a multidisciplinary management, expanding the coverage and cover vulnerable groups, make an adequate registry of dialysis data and have access to current national data on the epidemiology ofChronic Kidney Disease.


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How to Cite

Marca Zuna, N. M., & Rojas Mattos, M. (2017). Socioeconomic of patients with Chronic Kidney Disease with replacement therapy, Cochabamba 2013. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 12(29), 31–41.



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