Inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia in the elderly adult: case report


  • Abraham Nicolas Aguilar Sánchez



Inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia, Elderly, Vestibuloplasty


The inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia is the proliferation of fibrous connective tissue associa ted with chronic inflammation. It is usually due to unsuitable prosthetic devices. Presentation of the case: a female patient, 68 years o/d, with a history of total upper and lower prostheses, during 20 years. Clinically we could see a limited buccal opening due to perioral atrophy, upper and lower total edentulous with atrophic alveolar ridges and total loss of the upper vestibular groove fund because of the presence of a mass of fibrous tissue. Because of these characteristics, the tumor mass is excised with the corresponding vestibuloplasty, the results of the histopathological study conclude with the diagnosis of inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia.


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How to Cite

Aguilar Sánchez, A. N. (2017). Inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia in the elderly adult: case report. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 12(29), 19–23.



Case Report