Persea americana Millo (Palta) seed benefits


  • Magaly Gómez Ugarte
  • David Ángel Escalera Cruz
  • Patricia Rojas Navi
  • Michel Andrade Valeriano
  • Anna Faviola Lopez Rojas
  • Adelaida Muruchi Suarez



Persea americana (avocado), Benefits oí avocado consumption, Nutrition


Persea americana Mill. (known as well as avocado) is a fleshy fruit ofthe berry type characteristic of tropical areas, originating in Mexico, belonging to the order of laurels. Is a fruit rich in water, vegetable fats and carbohydrates, recommended for a diet balanced to be consumed moderately by its high calorific values. Known in Latin America for its abundant inclusion in the gastronomy ofthese regions besides its use as a natural cosmetic.

Studies conducted by the Journal of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine show that Persea americana Mill. seeds have larvicidal, antifungal, antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help in the treatment of infectious diseases. In addition, these properties confer anti-cancer activities due to the presence of P-sitosterol in its chemical composition.

The cardiovascular pathologies are reduced thanks to the action of the healthy fatty acids of the avocado. Its high content of avocado tannins helps in diarrheal pictures. The avocado is ideal for children, athletes and people who want to have firm muscles.

This article is the product ofa classroom research carried out by a multidisciplinary team made up of teachers and students of Applied Computing and Botany.

The objective ofthis article is to describe the medicinal properties ofthe Persea americana Mill. seed, and to encourage its consumption for the prevention ofsome types ofcardiovascular diseases, diarrhea, and others.


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How to Cite

Gómez Ugarte, M., Escalera Cruz, D. Ángel, Rojas Navi, P., Andrade Valeriano, M., Lopez Rojas, A. F., & Muruchi Suarez, A. (2017). Persea americana Millo (Palta) seed benefits. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 12(30), 38–43.




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