A comparative evaluation in vitro of the degree of eficiency of three irrigating solutions for the removal of smear layer in endodontic treatment Univalle's Dental Clinic Cochabamba 2016


  • Nathaly Vaca Guzmán Gallardo
  • Mariela Nuñez Montaño




Irrigating solutions, Smear layer, Endodontic therapy, EDTA


While performing a root canal treatment in vitro, the smear layer is generated during the biomechanics preparation. The smear layer is composed of compacted detritus, microorganisms, necrotic tissue and Other components, which can affect the success of endodontic treatment, therefore their elimination is necessary.

An in vitro experimental study was carried out in Univalle 's Dental Clinic, comparing the efficiency of three irrigating solutions solutions in the removal ofthe smear layer, controlled in three times at 3, 5 and 10 minutes and was observed the presence irregularities in the dentin surface in optical microscope. The study was performed on 56 dentals roots, separated in 4 groups of 15 dentals roots: MD-CLEANSER@ (group 1), EDTA at 77% (group 2), boric acid at 2.5% (group 3) and a control group of 7 1 dentals roots, in which only sodium hypochlorite at 2.5% was used. The results showed that according to the application time in the apical third, the most effective solution at 3 minutes was boric acid, at 5 minutes the MD-CLEANSER@ and at 10 minutes MD-CLEANSER@, EDTA and boric acid by same. lt was observed the presence of irregularities in the dentin surface with all of the irrigating solutions in more or less grade, at three minutes the EDTA caused greater irregularity.

In vivo research recommended ofboric acid in the removal ofsmear layer, it is presented as one more option, due to the good results presented both in the removal ofthe smear layer and in effects at the surface leve/ ofthe duct walls.


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How to Cite

Guzmán Gallardo, N. V., & Nuñez Montaño, M. (2017). A comparative evaluation in vitro of the degree of eficiency of three irrigating solutions for the removal of smear layer in endodontic treatment Univalle’s Dental Clinic Cochabamba 2016. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 12(30), 5–11. https://doi.org/10.52428/20756208.v12i30.507



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