The fundamental role of clinical laboratory computer systems


  • Magaly Gómez Ugarte
  • David Escalera Cruz
  • Gastón Silva Sánchez



Information systems, Computing in the clinical laboratory, Clinical examination


The objective of this research project is to demonstrate the role of the laboratory information systems clinical trial conducted by teachers of the Department of Systems and Computer Technology of Universidad Privada del Valle, in health.

The researchers of this project assume that teachers should be inclusive in accordance with the scientific and technological progress in response to social needs; actions that are in line with the institutional mission and vision of the university.

The Department of Systems and Computer Technology has been carrying out sustainable activities of research and social interaction in different areas, with a strong impact in health, to respond to the needs of the municipality of fencing and Tiquipaya population.

For the activity of social interaction in multidisciplinary teams by the Faculty of Health Sciences and the Department of Systems and Tl, (addressed to "determine the prevalence of intestinal parasites in children under the age of 12 years, the Nursery Infant Jesus of Prague from the town of Tiquipaya, during the II/2015"), the development of the clinical laboratory computer system with the purpose of registering and processing all information coproparasitologica, until the release of the final report, critical to the success of the activity and decision-making of preventive and corrective measures determined by the team of researchers in the area of health.

As a methodology ofdevelopment of the computer system, clinical laboratory was used Rational Unified Process (RUP), Unified Modeling Language (UML), Design Patterns Model View Controller (MVC), C# programming language, and manager of the Sq/Server database.

The computer systems of clinical laboratories are indispensable and fundamental for ensuring the accuracy, consistency, and reliability in data processing in the laboratory.


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How to Cite

Gómez Ugarte, M., Escalera Cruz, D., & Silva Sánchez, G. (2017). The fundamental role of clinical laboratory computer systems. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 12(31), 46–55.



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