Renal donor transplantation with encapular death: for the purpose of a case


  • Elvy Hael Espinoza Dávila



Chronic kidney disease, Kidney transplant, Donor death encephalic


Kidney transplantation improves the survival of patients with chronic kidney disease compared to other modalities of renal replacement therapy. Kidney transplantation with a live donor has clear advantages over donors with encephalitic death. However, the difference in patient survival and graft between both modalities in the short term has decreased in recent years.

This is the first Renal Donor Transplant with Brain Death at Universidad Privada del Valle Hospital. The beneficiary was a female patient of 46 years of age, history of Chronic Kidney Disease E 5 of unknown etiology, in renal replacement therapy - (Hemodialysis) since July 2015. On September 12 of 2017 a kidney transplant was performed with donor brain death secondary to severe encephalocutaneous trauma, male, 28 years old.

After implantation of the renal graft present immediate graft function, with immediate diuresis and decrease in creatinine of the pre-transplant from 8 mg / dl to 4 mg / dl on day 1, reaching creatinine levels of 0.9 mg / dl per day.

A maintenance therapy was used with Tacrolimus 6 mg daily, Mycophenolate Mofetil 2 grams day and Prednisone with progressive dose reduction. Prophylactic treatment is associated with viral, mycotic and bacterial infections.

With favorable evolution and function of the graft within normal parameters, the patient was discharged from the hospital on September 29.


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How to Cite

Espinoza Dávila, E. H. (2017). Renal donor transplantation with encapular death: for the purpose of a case. Revista De Investigación E Información En Salud, 12(31), 32–36.



Case Report